**auctions appearing in this week's newspaper
10:30 AM – Gary King estate: W215 S9570 Crowbar Dr., Muskego, WI. Located just W. of Muskego or 1 mi. E. of Big Bend on County L to Crowbar Dr., then S. 1 ½ mi. to farm NOTE: This is a nice small line of equipment, well maintained and always shedded. Not many small items, so be on time. Tractors, skid steer & loader/backhoe; Hay & hay equipment; yard tools and misc. See website for pictures: www. stadeauction.com TERMS: Cash or check, no buyers fee. WI reg. auctioneers: Bill Stade #535 920-674-5500 Mike Stade #607 920-699-4580 Pete Stade #2836 920-674-3236 Clerk: Tom Stade. Cashier: Christy Schreine, Sale conducted by The Bill Stade Auction Co.
10:00 AM – Location: 5712 Arnold La. one mile east of Allenton on Hwy 33 to Co. WW, north on Cty WW ½ mile to Arnold La. or west of West Bend on Hwy 33 to Co. WW. Follow auction signs. Reason: Rented farm. Note: This is only a partial list, lunch on grounds. Tractors, collector tractors, equipment: JD 630 tractor, NF, power steering, SN6302549; Long “FarmTrac 80” tractor, WF, 3 pt, 2727 hrs; Farmall H tractor, NF; 3 pt for JD tractor; JD 3 pt quick hitch; New Idea 3726 single axle manure spreader w/end gate; INT 720 4 bottom auto reset plow, semi mtd; AC 3 pt 2 btm plow; Knowles wagon w/hyd hoist, metal flat rack; INT 2 row cultivator, fast hitch; M-C 9’ rotary sythe; 10’ wheel disk; 10’ Brillion single roller cultipacker. Trailer, log splitter: 2016 PJ-Fabrique 16’ tandem axle dump trailer, battery dump, like new; Timber Wolf PTO drive log splitter, heavy duty; Fimco sprayer for ATV. Antiques and collectibles: Planet Jr. walk behind corn planter; New Idea #1 hand crank corn sheller; box mount corn sheller; bobsled; clipper fanning mill; 30 gal Red Wing crock; 4 gal Koverwate; sausage stuffer; harpoon hay fork; milk cans; honey extractor; copper boiler; wood duck decoys; ice tongs; advertising tins; other collectibles. Misc.: Sioux farm gate; Rol-Air small air compressor; Craftsman 5HP 20 gal portable air compressor; Ridgid saw stand; Delta 10” table saw; drill press; duck & turkey decoys; ice fishing items; steel fence posts; tomato cages; metal work bench; hunting related items; snow fence; 9” blower pipe; 36” drum fan; 16’ wire panels; some pine lumber; 550 gal poly tank; some toys; yard hand tools; much more. See photos at https://www.ritgerdrendel.com/ Terms: Cash, good check, credit card (4% convenience fee if using credit card-no debit cards). All purchases must be settled for day of sale. Out of state checks require current bank letter of guarantee. Photo ID required to register to bid/buy. Announcements made at sale take precedence over advertised material. Auction conducted by Ritger & Drendel Auction Specialists, LLP (RWAC #516) 116 N Main St., Fond du Lac, WI 54935.
Ending Mon. 11/22. Sandwich restaurant contents in online auction, former Milio's Sandwiches of Platteville, WI. Please see www.JonesAuctionService.Hibid.com. Sale conducted by Jones Auction & Realty Service, Watertown.
10:00 AM – Donald Fritsch Estate, On site only. Partial List Only: vehicles, tractors & equipment, tools, L&G, misc household, real estate sold at 12:00 PM. Real Estate Terms: House is sold “as is” with no contingencies. Buyer(s) to fill out standard state of Wisconsin Offer(s) to Purchase with no contingencies. Closing on or before Dec. 6, 2021. Title insurance to be provided. Sellers taxes pro-rated through day of auction in Certified Funds. Cashier’s check made payable to yourself to be endorsed over to Auction Company’s Trust Account. Balance due at closing. Tim Slack Auction & Realty. Visit www.colbob.com for more info and photos. Terms: All items (except real estate) must be settled on the day of sale via cash or good check. No buyer's premium. Sales tax applies on vehicles. No warrantees or guarantees given or implied on any items sold.
9:00 AM – Annual Fall Consignment Sale. Construction equipment, trucks & trailers, Sat., Nov 6, 2021 at 9:00 AM. Selling in 3 rings. Lunch on grounds. Auction Specialists Sale site, W5659 County Y, Fond du Lac WI. Directions: Hwy 41 approx. 50 mi. north of Milwaukee or 10 mi. south of Fond du Lac to Hwy 49 exit, west to Hwy 175, north to Co. Y, east to Frontage Rd. Watch for arrows. Terms: cash or check with bank letter of credit, “no” buyer premium. Inspection: Fri., Nov 5. Selling at 10:30AM. Finn Christensen & Son, Inc., excavators, dozers & loaders; truck tractors, dump trucks, straight trucks; pickups, vans & 1-tons; trailers; misc; Items still coming in. Consignments being accepted until 5PM Thurs., Nov. 4. See our website www.auctionsp.com for more information. Auction conducted by Auction Specialists.
10:00 AM – Vintage cars and truck, well pumps, collectibles and real estate auction 11417 W 7 Mile Rd., Franksville, WI. Directions: Racine County., ½ mile E of US 45 or 5 miles W of I-41 on 7 Mile Rd. Watch for signs. Food service available. Websites: bobhagemannauctionrealty.com or auctionzip.com ID 9051. Vintage trucks & car, antiques and collectibles, from the shop, misc. plus much more. Auctioneer: Bob Hagemann, Riley Kahl W.R.A. No. 509, 736. Terms: no buyers fee on cash or good check & 4% convenience fee on credit card payments. All purchases are final, sold "AS IS" with no guarantees, and must be settled for on day of sale. Notice: Please follow Covid-19 guidelines by wearing face mask and practice proper social distancing. Sale conducted by Bob Hagemann Auction & Realty Service.
10:00 AM – Guns, ammunition, gas & oil related advertising, license plates, signs, antiques & collectibles, fishing boats, shop equipment & tools. Bob Haas, 2 sale rings, N7668 4th Ave., Westfield, WI. Sat., Nov. 6, 10:00AM Directions: I-39 north of Portage 28 miles to Exit 113 for Westfield, west half mile on County J/Limit Road to Main St./County M, north1 mile, then west to continue on Co.. M 2½ miles to 4th Ave. North. Watch for George Auction Signs. Note: Very large & interesting auction. Lunch: Steve’s Deli Dog House. Fishing boats, long guns, pistols, ammunition, petroleum cans, signs and related items. Highway and other signs, beer mirrors and signs, juke box, Coca Cola machine, shop equip. and tools, anvils, model cars, automobile emblems, and related items, kids pedal cars and misc items. Lunch boxes, antiques, sporting goods, prints, bikes, snow blower, lawn tractor, trailer. For Complete listing and photos log onto www.georgeauction.com, Sale conducted by George Auction & Real Estate Service.
Annual Fall Construction Consignment Sale! Consignments Wanted! We specialize in Construction Equipment, Trucks, Trailers, Forklifts, & More – Whatever Your Auction Needs May Be. Call or Visit Our Website at www.auctionsp.com. Consignment Form can be printed from our website. Advertising deadline for auction is Wednesday Oct. 13. Items will be accepted until 5pm on Thursday, November 4. Auction Specialists - PO Box 100, Lomira WI 53048. 920-921-2901 – Phil Majerus – WI Registered Auctioneer #676.
10:00 AM – Tractor, 3pt. equipment, vehicles, boat, shop equipment; tools, zero turn – lawn tractors, wood splitter, snowmobiles, 4 wheeler, trailers, lumber, scrap, antiques & collectibles. Josh Aide Estate N6738 County J, Monticello, WI. Sun., Nov. 7, 10:00AM. Directions: south of New Glarus on Hwy 69 to Co. H, west 6 miles to Co. J, south or west of Monticello 6 miles on Co. C to Co. J, North 1½ miles. Watch for George Auction Signs. Lunch on grounds. Reg. WI Auctioneers: Dean George #486 (cell 608-751-5703), Kale George #2811 (office 608-882-6123) Reg. IL Auctioneer: Kale George #441002280.Terms: 5% buyers fee. Check or cash. 4% courtesy charge for purchases using credit card. All sales final. All announcements made day of sale take precedence over printed material. For Complete listing and photos log onto www.georgeauction.com. Sale conducted by Georg Auction Service & Real Estate, LLC.
10:00 AM – Lester & Nancy Nelson; 4326 South Bernstein Rd., Orfordville, WI. Tues. Nov. 9, 10:00AM. Directions: 2 miles west of Orfordville on WI-11 to Pann Rd., south to Speich Rd., east to Bernstein Rd., south. Watch for George Auction Signs. Lunch on grounds. Tractor w/loader, fishing boat, shop equipment; tools, metal lathe, milling machine, welders; sporting goods. Reg. WI Auctioneers: Dean George #486 (cell 608-751-5703), Kale George #2811 (office 608-882-6123) Reg. IL Auctioneer: Kale George #441002280. Terms: no buyers fee. Check or cash. 4% courtesy charge for purchases using credit card. All sales final. All announcements made day of sale take precedence over printed material. For Complete listing and photos log onto www.georgeauction.com. Sale conducted by George Auction Service & Real Estate, LLC.
72.8 acre farmland, home & outbuildings Dodge County. Offered in 2 parcels – Bid on 1 or bid on both. Online bidding ends Tues., Nov. 9. View details & register to bid at: www.JonesAuctionService.Hibid.com N1598 Yerges Rd., Reeseville, WI Terms: 8% buyers fee sale, high bid price plus buyers’ fee equals total purchase price offered. Starting bid $100,000/parcel. $20,000 earnest money to accompany offer per parcel. Bidding requirements and Auction Terms & Conditions apply and become part of any offer. Sells As Is, no contingencies, no exceptions. Seller retains the right to accept, reject or counter any offers. Inspections encouraged prior to bidding, but seller will not accept offer w/inspection contingency. Brokers Welcome. www.JonesAuctionService.Hibid.com. Sale conducted by Jones Auction & Realty Service.
10:00 AM – Auction: Curt & Nancy Scheunemann 262-674-4040; 7535 County M, West Bend, WI; Wed., Nov. 10 at 10:00AM. Location: 4 miles east of West Bend on Hwy 33 to Co. M, north 4 miles on Co. M or 2 ½ miles northwest of Newburg on Co. M. Watch for auction signs. Lunch on grounds; See photos at www.ritgerdrendel.com. Terms: Cash, good check, credit card (4% convenience fee if using credit card-No debit cards). All purchases must be settled for day of sale. Out of state checks require current bank letter of guarantee. Photo ID required to register to bid/buy. Announcements made at sale take precedence over advertised material. Auctioneers: Dan Ritger (RWA #645), Kewaskum, WI, 414.333.8625; Rod Drendel (RWA #2017), Fond du Lac, WI, 920.960.7777; Sale mgr.: James Seamonson (RWL #132), Stoughton, WI, 608.575.3325; (RWAC #516) Sale conducted by Ritger & Drendel Auction Specialists, LLP.
11:30 AM – 149 head of Holstein dairy cattle, 24321 Hwy 58, Ithaca. Annual fall milking herd dispersal from John Dougherty of Farmer John’s Cheese, Dodgeville. 33 head of Holstein heifers from a discontinuing Dane County dairy. Our weekly run of fresh cows and 2 yr. olds, milking & bred back cows, springing cows & heifers, bred heifers, open heifers – all ages, breeding age bull, baby heifer and bull calves. www.stadeauction.com, sale conducted by conducted by Pete Stade #2836, Jefferson, WI; Mike Stade #607, Watertown, WI & Bill Stade #535, Richland, WI.
11:00 AM – Advance notice: Special AAA Dairy Sale. Thurs., Nov. 11. This sale will feature high quality cattle from Overstocked AAA mated herds. Always an excellent opportunity to buy high production cows bred for longevity and profitability! Please call 715-219-2781 to consign. Early consignments feeder cattle: 22 Angus yearling strs & hfrs. 900-950 lbs. coming off grass with just a touch of corn silage last 30 days. Fancy as they come!! 30 beef calves, strs & hfrs., weaned & vac, 400-500 lbs., nice! 14 Hol strs, 550 lbs., vac 2x, reputation consignor. 4 Hol strs, 750 lbs., green and fancy! 13 Hol strs 450-550 lbs., vac 2x, on feed. 8 Hol Angus cross steers, light flesh. 9 Angus bulls and hfrs. 400- 450 lbs., weaned Sale Location: W1461 State Hwy 98, Loyal, WI 54446 From Spencer, WI take Hwy 98 west 5 miles. From Loyal, 5 miles east on 98. See www.oberholtzerauctions.com for more info. Sale conducted by: Oberholtzer Dairy Cattle & Auction Co.
1:00 PM – Land Auction; 219.63+/- acres in 2 tracts; nearly entirely tillable; Rock County, WI; Bradford Township sections 4, 5 & 8; Marshall Revocable Trust; Thurs., Nov. 11, 1:00PM Directions: 8 mi. east of Janesville or 10 miles west of Delavan on Hwy. 14. Parcels on north & south side of road, Hwy. 14 & Avalon Rd. intersection. Inspection of the land is welcome anytime. Auction Location: Cecelia’s Golf Course, 1901 S. Emerald Grove Rd., Janesville, WI. Light luncheon & refreshments will be complimentary beginning with registration at 12:00PM. Tract Information: Tract 1 – 140.47+/- taxable acres (2 tax parcels): 139.68+/- tillable, currently in row crop production; Tract 2 – 79.16+/- taxable acres (1 tax parcel): 74.86+/- tillable, currently in row crop production. Terms: 5% buyer’s fee. $5,000.00 earnest money per tract cash or personal check, balance due at closing in 45 days or less. Successful bidder required to sign a standard offer to purchase with no contingencies. All announcements made day of sale take precedence over printed material. Seller may accept or reject any and all bids. Reg. WI Auctioneers: Dean George #486 (cell 608-751-5703), Kale George #2811 (office 608-882-6123); Reg. IL Auctioneer: Kale George #441002280 – 11211 North Union Road, Evansville, WI 53536; For Complete listing/ photos www.georgeauction.com. Sale conducted by George Auction Service & Real Estate, LLC.
Fall Premier – 922 Mississippi Parkway – November 11th-13th – Time to Consign – Tractors, vintage trucks, signs and farm relics and much more! Call Paul to consign tractors, vintage trucks, sign and farm relics 262-275-6779 – www.mecum.com – sale conducted by Mecum Auctions.
10:30 AM – Duwayne Schultz Estate & Peggy, Kevin and Missy Schultz auction: Dairy cows and heifers, tractors, skidloader, farm equipment. 5967 W. Stephenson Street Rd, Freeport, Illinois. For any auction questions phone @ 815-235-4252; Location: From Freeport, Ill take Hwy 20 west to N. Bolton Rd., go south to W. Stephenson St. Rd, go west to farm. Note: The Schultz family have worked together side by side for many years with the last 20 years in the Freeport area. They have decided it is time to not dairy or crop farm. Terms: Cash or good check. Auctioneers: Tom Bidlingmaier, Browntown, WI 608-328-4878 & Cory Bidlingmaier, Monroe, WI 608-558-4924. Ill. Auctioneer Reg. 441000268 & 441000269; B&M Auctions of WI, LLC, Browntown, WI Ill. Reg. Auc. Co.# 444000205; Please visit our website @ www.bm-auctions.com Sale conducted by B&M Auctions of WI, LLC.
10:00 AM – Andy Walton Estate. Tractor, combine, machinery and more, 6001 West County Road M. Sale conducted by George Auction Service & Real Estate, LLC, Evansville.
12:00 PM – Mar-Linda-K Holsteins herd reduction sale at Richland Cattle Center LLC, 50 mi. w. of Madison, WI & 70 mi. E. of LaCrosse. Located 2 mi. S.E. of Richland Center on Hwy. 14 to Hwy. 58, then N. 4 mi., Ithaca & the RCC indoor arena.Visit: www.stadeauction.com for catalog. Mark & Linda Wright: 920-253-9398 Note: This is a special Sat. auction. We will also be conducting our weekly Wednesday dairy sale as scheduled (see ad). All cattle may be viewed individually prior to the auction. All lactating cows are milked after leaving the sale ring to insure better udder health when transporting. Trucking is available or cattle will be cared for overnight. Sale conducted by: Richland Cattle Center, LLC , 24321 Hwy. 58, Ithaca Richland Center, WI (608) 585-3700 Terms & Conditions: Cash or good check. All sales settled for day of sale. Wisconsin Registered Auctioneers: Bill Stade #535, Richland Center, WI (920) 674-5500
10:00 AM – Tractors & machinery auction. 1690 43rd. St. Caledonia, WI. Directions: Racine Co., 1 mi W of I-41 on 5-½ Mile Rd.(Co.G) to 43rd. St., then ½ mi N. Watch for signs. Food service available. bobhagemannauctionrealty.com or auctionzip.com. ID 9051. Terms: No buyer's fee on cash or good check & 4% fee on credit card payments. All purchases are final, sold "AS IS" with no guarantees, and must be settled for on day of sale. Notice: Please follow Covid-19 guidelines by wearing face mask and practice proper social distancing. Sale conducted by Bob Hagemann Auction & Realty Service, Burlington, WI.
10:30 AM – 11204 Carls Rd., Marengo, Il. 1 Mile s. of I-90 on Hwy 23 or 4 miles n. of Hwy 72 on Hwy 23. Terms: cash or check day of auction. No credit cards. No buyers premium. Visit Auctionzip.com for updates & pics. Bill Eschbach 815-236-4005 Auctioneers: Gordon Stade, Monroe Center 847-514-2853 & Tim Hall Kirkland 815-739-6210. Sale conducted by Gordon Stade Auctioneer.
11:30 AM – Terry & Karen Erickson Auction; Tractors, skidloader, farm equipment. 75 Hwy 78, Blanchardville, WI. ¼ mile n. of Blanchardville, WI on Hwy 78. Note: The Erickson’s have farmed in the Blanchardville area for many years and have decided to sell some equipment. Terms: Cash or good check. Not responsible for accidents or losses. Auctioneers: Tom Bidlingmaier, Browntown, WI 608-328-4878 & Cory Bidlingmaier, Monroe, WI 608-558-4924. WRAL #740 & 1283. B&M Auctions of WI, LLC, Browntown, WI WRAL#166 Visit www.bm-auctions.com. Sale conducted by B&M Auctions of WI, LLC.
10:00 AM – Farm, Guns & Collectibles of the Marifke Family Farm Estate, 6708 Settler Ave, Wind Lake, WI. Directions: Racine Co. Hwy 36 to Heg Park Rd., nw ¾ mi to S. Loomis, nw ¼ mi to Pioneer Rd, E ½ mi to Settler Ave. Watch for signs. Food service available. www.bobhagemannauctionrealty.com or auctionzip.com ID 9051. Auctioneer: Bob Hagemann, W.R.A. No. 509. Terms: no buyers fee on cash or good check & 4% fee on credit card payments. WI gun laws apply; All purchases are final, sold "AS IS" with no guarantees, and must be settled for on day of sale. Please follow Covid-19 guidelines by wearing face mask and practice proper social distancing. Sale conducted by Bob Hagemann Auction & Realty Service, Burlington, WI.
Hansen Auction Group Online Auction: tractors, lawn mowers, boat, vehicles & more. Open house Fri., Nov. 12 10:00AM-3:00PM, bidding starts at $1. Highest bid wins. N6015 280th St., Menomonie, WI. Bidding ends Nov. 15th. Bid now at hansenauctiongroup.com. For more information call 715-265-4656; Terms: 10% buyers fee. Bryce Hansen, registered WI auctioneer #225. Sale conducted by Hansen Auction Group.
11:30 AM – Great Northern Sales Arena November Dairy Production Sale. Dairy auction. online bidding at: Cowbuyer.com Check our website for complete details. Catalog and photos online prior to sale: www.greatnorthernsalesarena.com Great Northern Land & Cattle Co., Inc. W4226 Hwy 23, Fond du Lac, WI. 920-923-6991. Sale conducted by Great Northern Land & Cattle Co., Inc.
11:00 AM – Southwest Wisconsin Dair Dispersal Retirement Auction. Online bidding available. 211± acres offered in 5 tracts. With up to approx. 1,500 acres that may be leased. Excellent turn-key dairy operation. Multiple well-maintained builders. 1550 milking Holstein cows/225 dry cows/1600 total heifers. Sand reclamation system. 30,000+/- bu. grain handling unit. 30-150 head per cow lot. Owners will entertain non-contingent offers on the dairy, cattle, feed and equipment as a total package until Fri., Oct 22. Inspection Dates: Oct 12, 11AM-2PM. Oct 2t, 11AM-2pm. Nov 16, 2-4PM. Location: The Belmont Convention Center, 103 W Mound View Ave, Belmont, WI 53510. Schrader Real Estate and Auction company, Inc. 800-451-2709. www.SchraderAuction.com.
Online Only – Retirement Farm Auction Denny and Jeanie King. Bidding will open Nov. 22 at 10A M. Bidding will start closing on Dec. 3 at 10 AM. Inspection of the equipment will begin on Nov.15 from 9AM to 4PM. No inspections on Thanksgiving Day. Sale conducted by Gehling Auction Company Preston, MN.
10:00AM – Virtual online land auction. The Ehlinger Farm, Jackson Co., IA land auction. Open house Mon 11/22 1:00PM-3:00PM. www.sullivanauctioneers.com. Sale conducted by Sullivan Auctioneers, LLC, Hamilton, IL.
Online Only – Notice upcoming dealer, lender, consignment. Timed online only auction; Wed. Dec.15, 2021; Gehling Auction Co., Preston, Minn. Bidding will open Mon. Dec. 6 at 10:00 AM and start closing at 10:00 AM Wed. Dec. 15; All equipment will be at Gehling Auction Co. 27741 Hwy16 Preston, Minn. for inspection. Advertising deadline Wed. Nov. 24, 2021; Consign early to take advantage of our complete advertising program. To consign a complete farm line or a single item or for more information call Gehling Auction Company 1-800-770-0347 or email denny@gehlingauction.com. Sale conducted by Gehling Auction Company, Preston, MN.