Last updated 8/31/2022 at 4:32am
Notice of Application for coverage
under the Statewide General Permit for Biosolids management
Notice is hereby given that the Grand Coulee-Electric City Wastewater Treatment Plant [WWTP] is applying to the Washington State department of Ecology for coverage under the statewide General permit for Biosolids Management.
Biosolids are produced at the Grand Coulee-Electric City WWTP, located inside the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Compound c/o City of Grand Coulee, 306 Midway Ave / PO Box 180, Grand Coulee, WA. 99133 and applied to wheat/fallow land located in Douglas County by The Boulder Project Beneficial Use facility [BUF]. WWTP application for coverage under the Statewide General Permit for Biosolids Management and a Site-Specific Land Application Plan address the management of the materials at this site.
Presently no new land application sites are anticipated, however, future proposals for additional sites will be consistent with an approved land application plan, additional environmental review will be completed if needed and public notice will be provided consistent with Chapter 173-308 WAC, Biosolids Management, including posting of the potential land application site for at least 30 days. At this time, the WWTP does not provide biosolids to any other facility. The Grand Coulee-Electric City WWTP has maintained the option of transferring its biosolids to any other facility permitted to accept it or to have its biosolids managed by any other permitted biosolids beneficial use facility.
Any persons wishing to comment on this application or desiring to present their views regarding this application to the Department of Ecology or its delegated representative must do so, in writing, within thirty days of the last date of newspaper publication of this notice. Comments should be addressed to Mounia Sassi, biosolids coordinator, at the address below.
Any persons wishing to request a public hearing or meeting regarding this proposal must direct a written request to Mounia Sassi at the address below by the close of the comment period.
If you wish to be included on an interested parties list to receive notification of activities relating to this project, please notify in writing to Gareth Abbott, Grand Coulee-Electric City WWTP at the address below...
Contact persons to receive questions and/or comments and/or requests are:
Mounia Sassi, Department of Ecology, eastern regional office, North 4601 Monroe, STE 100, Spokane, WA. 99205-1295 [509] 329-3400
Jenifer Jessen, Environmental Health Specialist Grant County Health Dist. Po Box 37 Ephrata, WA. 98823 (509) 754-6060
Gareth Abbott, Grand Coulee-Electric City WWTP 306 Midway Ave. or PO Box 180, Grand Coulee WA. 99133 (509) 633-2503
The Grand Coulee Dam School District hereby calls for bids for the following items:
Bids can be sent to: Grand Coulee Dam SD, 110 Stevens Ave., Coulee Dam, WA 99116. Please state “bids” on the envelope
For more information contact Nancy Kuiper at or 633-1442
P.O. Box 150 Grand Coulee, WA 99133 Ph: (509) 633-1350 or Toll-free: (888) 633-1350
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