The Mall at Piccadilly and the Shuswap Makerspace are bringing a Repair Cafe series to Salmon Arm. (Repair Café International)
A global movement, cafes focus on fixing items, not sending them to the landfill
Just because something has stopped working doesn’t mean it is beyond repair.
The Mall at Piccadilly and the Shuswap Makerspace have partnered to bring a new Repair Cafe series to Salmon Arm. The first will take place at the mall from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Aug. 27. The cafe will bring together skilled volunteers and people with items that are broken and in need of repair.
Makerspace coordinator Maria Otting said the concept began in Amsterdam in 2009. According to the Repair Café Foundation, Repair Cafes were founded by Dutch environmentalist Martine Postma “to help produce less waste in the communities, fixing up and giving new life to used or non-working objects.” The initiative was so successful that in 2011 Postma launched the foundation, a non-profit organization focused on providing professional support to local groups in the Netherlands and other countries wishing to start their own Repair Cafe.
The cafes aren’t just about reducing waste. Otting said those who bring in items can take part in the repair process and learn how it’s done.
Read more: Process limits greenhouse gas escape at Salmon Arm Landfill
Read more: Makerspace a place to learn, teach, work and play
“It’s about teaching and transferring knowledge, promoting social inclusion and getting people out,” said Otting, who wants to run one cafe a month for six months. To do this, she is looking for volunteers skilled in or capable of repairing the following: woodwork/turning, laser cutter, 3D printing, metal lathe, robotics, electronics, CNC router, sound studio, small electrical appliances, textiles, bicycles, knife/scissor sharpening, toys, vacuums, clocks and more. Support staff are also needed.
To volunteer or for more information, email
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